Day 1 &2

Well yesterday our ride over here was pretty lit because well I was driving with my cousin Judy and my friend Joel and Mr. Clinton and we were listening to music, joking around with each other and I slept part of the ride over here and well we got around 7 and we put our tents up explored a little then after that we ate dinner which was spaghetti and garlic bread  then I did dishes after dinner and then went to watch my friends play cards then after they got done playing cards we had to go to bed. Then this morning they woke us up around 6 something and we ate breakfast which was potatoes, eggs and sausage then we had to do our own lunch and get ready to go to Lava Lands and we were supposed to be there at 7:30 but we were running late and we got there around 10 something and then that’s when we met a couple people and they told us about what their job profession are and their names are Kassidy, Jeff Bab and I feel bad because I forgot some of their names and then after we got to take a bus up to Lava Butte Volcano to visit the sight and see what it’s like and after we left there we got to eat which was pretty good and then we got to look around and I went around with my friend while she was taking pictures of squirrels and the trees. Then when we got back to the camp site and we played this introductory game where we had to find candy in these bags and we had teams and after we got done playing that we had to get our shower stuff and we went to go shower then some of us had to come back for a couple people to help with dinner and so I played cards with my friends and I learned more card games when I did we had to do a pre survey then after we finished that we got to have strawberry shortcake, then I played more card games with my friends and so that’s how my day went and it went pretty good because I met new people and got to know some of the people that I came with and their all pretty nice so that’s how my day went so there we go.


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