Day 12

Well today was a good day we got up and came to the Wellness Center to shower and when we got here there was a sauna in there and it was pretty fun to be in because it helped me relax a lot more than I usually am and after I was done sitting in the sauna I took a shower and after we were all done with the shower we sat and chilled for a little while and then we had to head back to the camp site and we had breakfast then we had to make lunch for the day and we headed out again and headed out to the Couer d'Alene Casino and we got to meet Quanah Matheson the director of Cultural Affairs and his father Dave Matheson the owner of the Couer d'Alene Casino and after they were both done talking we got to look at the paintings and the objects they all had and Taylor took a picture of this one painting and a couple people said they looked like me so I had to go look at what they meant and I took a picture it to see what they meant and it didn't look that much like me so yeah after we were done there we left back to the camp site to eat our lunch and around 1:30 we left to come to the Wellness Center to blog and so that's how my day is going which is good but tiring at the same time


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