Day 9

So today we got woke up around 7 and we had breakfast but after breakfast we had to get ready fast and leave at 9 to go to the river and help out there and we got to try catch and let go of fish but it was a pretty good day so far and I honestly had fun doing the volunteer work today and I got to talk to Jessica about what I wanted to go to college for and we had a pretty good talk I loved talking to her about it and she gave me some pretty advice and when we got to the end of where we had to get to we had to climb a high mountain and I was scared to climb the mountain because I am scared of heights like really bad and I almost felt like I was going to die but I was over exaggerating I really wasn't going to die I just am really scared of heights so I kinda got scared of walking up that hill and when we got up to the top of the hill we caught up to the cars and got the equipment off and headed back to the campsite and when we got back we decided to see who was on dinner duty and when they found that out who was on dinner duty I decided to go change into my pajama pants and then I decided to take a nap and Alexis woke me up around 7 to tell me dinner was ready and I didn't want to get up at first but I realized I was hungry so I got up and I went to go eat and after I was done eating I got heartburn and so it hurt for a while and after we were done eating Warren came by and he was talking to Jessica and them so after they were done talking we headed towards Wellpinit High School And Middle School because there was this pit by the school so we sat inside there for 2 hours and we all got to talk about what we were thankful for and when we did that it was pretty emotional and it was hard to say what I was thankful because at first I was afraid of how bad I would cry because of all my family drama and when I was talking about that it hurt because of what my sister told me and it hurt me so I had to get to it all out and I was happy I was able to say what I felt and well I loved what everyone else was talking about because they all had good stories and some almost made me cry because when people around cry I start to cry and it hurt me to see other people cry so I was happy they all got there tears out in the open so that's how my night went and it's still going good so I'm going to try and sleep but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to sleep because of my nap I took and I'm hoping I can sleep so that's how my night went so there we go.


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