Day 10

Well today was an alright day got to go the Spokane Tribal Hatchery and it was really nice there because of all the things we were learned there and I swear it was so beautiful to see and how it was to fish back in the day and the different type of fish there are and what they fished for and stuff like that but one of the sayings they had up on the walls were “Before Grand Coulee Dam we wanted for nothing After Grand Coulee Dam we had nothing” and after we left there we went to Anderson Ranch we learned about the woods and everything and then we went to the lake to look at it and I got to hold a frog and Warren put on blast and told me to kiss the frog then we left there and headed back to the camp site and group 1 got to help cook and I got to help sauteed mushrooms and it was fun because Monet helped me the first time but then she let me do it all by myself the rest of the time and then I was done cooking and I got sit and wait for the rest of the food to be done and it didn't take long to wait till dinner was done and we ate and after we were getting ready to go swimming and canoeing and I went canoeing with Christina and Lisa and I accidently tipped us over and well we got back to the campsite and got to blog but after I decided to go to sleep instead because I was really tired and I ended up falling asleep


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