Day 14

Well I'm going to start with yesterday at the pow wow when we got there Jessica bought all of us Indian Tacos which tasted good and it was pretty fun because I got to spend the whole time with Judy, Joel, Jose and Alexis at the pow wow which was pretty fun spending time with those four and I won't forget that because Jose kept teasing me and saying I was looking at the guys at the pow wow and I was not even looking I was just looking around but other than that I had a good time with those four ad that's a good memory because it was Jose and Alexis's first time going to a pow wow and we watched the grand entry and it was good watching the grand entry because I honestly haven't actually watched the pow wow dancers in a long time at any pow wow because I mostly walk around when I'm at a pow wow and it was nice watching the pow wow dancers again and we had to get going after the grand entry because it was like an hour drive back to the camp site and when we got back I went straight to my tent and ended up falling asleep and so this morning I woke up really early and we had to check our mouse traps we made and me and Alexis caught 2 boy mouse and 1 girl mouse and we won because Jessica, Pedro, Monet, Mrs. Trease and Mr. Clinton made bets on who was gonna win but me and Alexis were the wild card as they put it because they had all the other teams and no one had us so if we won they had to buy us gifts and so we won so they have to buy of us something since we won but i'll wait and im honestly having a good day because I got to talk to Christina about how I was feeling and about my problems and that talk with her was good because we both talked about things and it was nice telling someone my problems because it gets a lot weight off my shoulders but I honestly can't wait to get home to see my family and my baby nephew who I missed a lot and I'm super happy I get to see him when I get home and I can't wait to see everyone and spend time with my family once again and try and not argue with them because I honestly missed them a lot yeah they think I didn't but honestly I did miss them a lot but I can't wait to get home to see them so I'm happy I'm going home today but then again I'm not because I'm honestly going to miss this because I had a lot of fun and I'm happy I got to talk to almost all of the Heritage Students and get to know them so all together my day is going pretty good.


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