Day 6

Well the day started out slow and good but we ate breakfast and got ready for the day and what we were doing so we had to get some food ready for the feast we were gonna have that night and after we got the food ready we had a drive up to the mountains for Wenix to tell us things about them and stuff like that and she took us to go see what the salmon are like up there compared to down in Yakima and after we did that we drove up towards the mountains so when we did I took a little nap on the way up the mountains and when we got there I woke up and we stopped somewhere and she told us more stuff about what it's like up there and stuff and after she was done telling us that stuff we headed back down the mountain and went to a place to go swimming and eat lunch and we were there for a little while and we had to head back to the place for her to finish up cooking then we had to head out again to go see Wenix's sister because she was going to teach us yoga and when we were doing yoga I kinda liked doing yoga because well it helped me relax more and ease up and after we were done with yoga we took a group picture so after we were done we had to head back to their place and when we were sitting there we saw a man getting arrested which was pretty funny because well im guessing he was on drugs because he kept saying things like “help,911,rape” and we had to leave after that and we headed back and finished getting the dinner done for the feast that night and after it was done Mike prayed for us and sang a song and when he did that it was amazing because well that was really different experience for me and I liked it a lot and after dinner Wenix's brother did a laser show for us and it was pretty nice and cool and Christina tried getting everyone to dance and after that the White Swan students went to go shower and we had to wait for a little while because the girls showers were all taking up and stuff so we waited and after they were empty we got to take our showers and we had to wait for 2 of the White Swan girls to be done and we left back to the place and once we got back we had to go straight to sleep so I felt good last night after my shower.


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