Day 11

Well it was a travel day and we got up around 7 and we had to get ready and pack our tents up and clean up around us so it won't be messy when we leave and after we did that we had breakfast and waited for people to get done blogging so Judy asked me to check her snapchat and I let her and when she was trying to I decided to go lay on Mrs. Trease's van and take a nap and I woke up to them saying it was time to eat our lunch and after we were done with lunch we headed out to Couer d'Alene and we got here around 6 and we put our tents up and we had to help out with the feast they were having when we got there and it was fun helping because we got to help serve elk or deer and camas (root) and it was fun helping out with that stuff so I enjoyed yesterday pretty much and I won't forget that day ever it's a day to remember so yesterday I had a good day and won't forget it ever. So there's how my day went. 


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